Slow Living

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Slow living also translates into spaces that slow down the frenetic pace of modern life, whether in a seaside village or in the middle of a big city. They seek wellbeing in everyday life; they favor observation, enjoyment, reflection and calm. The interiors of this alternative to the urgent are oriented towards simplicity, conscious consumption and the natural rhythm of things.
The book Slow Living Interiors presents a selection of the work of architects and interior designers from around the world who seek through their work to create environments for an unhurried life.
  • Second Edition
  • Publication Date: June 2023
  • 25 x 29 cm, 9.8 x 11.4 in
  • 280 pages
  • 300 colorfull images
  • ISBN: 978 84 9936 657 9

Explore the world of interior design and architecture through the unique perspective of Daniela Santos, our experienced editor specializing in interior design. With a strong career and a passion for lifestyle, Daniela has crafted a captivating collection of books that inspire and transform spaces.

"In the unhurried rhythm of slow living, architecture and interior design become tangible poetry, where each space is a palette of serenity inviting one to savor the art of living slowly."